FIFA Football Agent Exam Mock Test Practice Questions (part 6)


On the 22nd of May 2024, the next cohort of candidates will sit the third edition of the FIFA Football Agent Exam since its reintroduction in 2023. As part of our courses on how to pass the exam and as further guidance for How to Become a Football Agent, we have decided to create several blogs which take the form of mock practice exams to help you prepare by testing your knowledge and answering some questions in the same style as the real thing. 

Before attempting this mock exam we’d also recommend reading our top 10 tips for passing the FIFA Football Agent Exam and applying some of these key tips such as ensuring you read the questions properly and using the process of elimination if you don’t immediately know the answer. You should also have done a substantial amount of reading of the study materials, and other learning time, particularly spent understanding the most essential topics. You will notice that the hyperlinks on some of the questions in this mock exam will link you to other useful resources on the topics being asked about. If you get stuck, these should help!

Mock Exam

  1. Following a match which took place in the context of the FIFA Club World Cup™, the referee officially reports that Players FC were issued with seven yellow cards across six of their players. Players FC are concerned that they may be subject to potential disciplinary measures. Which statement is correct? Select one:
    1. a. As the players of Players FC have not previously received any yellow cards in the competition, the club will not be subject to disciplinary measures in that connection
    2. b. Only the players themselves may be subject to disciplinary measures in relation to the yellow cards received during the match 
    3. c. Players FC may be subject to disciplinary measures for improper conduct as a result of the individual disciplinary sanctions imposed by the referee on their players
    4. d. Players FC would only have been subject to disciplinary measures if the referee had imposed disciplinary sanctions on seven or more of their players
  2. Lauren is a youth coach at a club and has identified Lily, a 15-year-old player with great potential. With so many Football Agents following Lily’s matches, Lauren is concerned that she will be contacted by people looking to profit from her talent without following the necessary FIFA regulations. One morning, Lauren overhears Rickie, a local journalist, and a famous Football Agent, Jordan, offering Lily representation and a trial abroad. Disturbed by what she had overheard, Lauren calls Lily’s parents to inform them of the situation. What should Lauren warn Lily’s parents about? Select one or more:
    1. a. As a minor, Lily cannot sign a professional contract according to FIFA regulations and therefore cannot engage an individual providing Football Agent Services
    2. b. Lily can only be represented by Laueren, since she is her coach, and not Rickie or Jordan
    3. c. Jordan made an Approach to Lily without first contacting her parents
    4. d. Rickie is not a Football Agent and cannot represent Lily 
  3. What is transfer compensation under the FIFA Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players? Select one:
    1. a. Compensation for breach of contract
    2. b. Compensation paid by a player’s new club to that player’s former club, irrespective of the former club’s acceptance to release the player from a binding contractual relationship
    3. c. Training compensation and solidarity mechanism
    4. d. Compensation paid by a player’s new club to that player’s former club, in exchange for the former club’s acceptance to release the player from a binding contractual relationship
  4. In which of the following areas are host clubs and associations responsible for order and security? Select one:
    1. a. None of the answers listed
    2. b. On fan-owned online forums and social media pages before matches
    3. c. In and around the stadium before, during and after matches
    4. d. At airports, bus and train stations before and after matches, regardless of their location
  5. Tania is a successful businesswoman who has identified a need for a local private football academy in her city. After proceeding with her business plan and setting up Youthful Academy, her success quickly draws the attention of AFC Adults, the national champions of Pangea. The owner of AFC Adults offers Tania a partnership under which Youthful Academy will be affiliated to the club and play in Pangea’s youth league, with Tania receiving a 5% ownership stake in the club in return. After further success, Tania decides to apply for a Football Agent licence but is rejected by FIFA. Why is she rejected? Select one or more:
    1. a. Youthful Academy is affiliated to AFC Adults, a club affiliated to the Pangea FA
    2. b. Tania has an Interest in Youthful Academy
    3. c. Tania did not seek prior permission from FIFA to operate an academy
    4. d. Tania has an Interest in AFC Adults
  6. What can a party do upon receiving notification from the FIFA general secretariat of a final Electronic Player Passport (EPP)? Select one or more:
    1. None of the answers listed
    2. b. Appeal the final EPP in front of the Court of Arbitration for Sport
    3. c. Appeal the final EPP in front of the FIFA Appeal Committee
    4. d. Consider that the registration information contained in the first final EPP of a player will, in principle, be binding on any future final EPP
  7. Rory is a 19-year-old amateur player who has been playing for FC North for the past three seasons. He previously played for FC West and FC East. His agent is in conversation with FC South, a training category 1 club, who would like to offer Rory a professional contract. However, FC South would like to avoid paying training compensation, as they are facing financial difficulties. Which of the following solutions is permitted by the FIFA regulations? Select one or more:
    1. a. Rory could sign his first professional contract with FC Central, a training category 4 club, so that FC South do not have to pay any training compensation and could therefore offer him a higher salary
    2. b. FC South could reach an agreement with FC North, FC East and FC West, by means of which the latter three clubs waive their rights to any training compensation in exchange for a sell-on fee to be paid in the event of Rory’s future transfer
    3. c. Rory could sign his first professional contract with FC Compass, who can afford to pay the training compensation, even though they are offering him a lower salary
    4. d. FC South could apply for a bank loan to be paid back over ten years, using any income generated in connection with FC South’s broadcasting rights as a guarantee 
  8. On 1 July 2023, an 18-year-old is transferred internationally as an out-of-contract player. The player’s new club, AFC Black, is classified as a category 4 club, and therefore no training reward trigger has been identified since no training compensation is due when a player registers with a category 4 club. What could a training club affiliated to a different association from that of AFC Black do according to article 18 paragraph 2 of the FIFA Clearing House Regulations if it considers that it is entitled to training compensation? Select one:
    1. a. Request that AFC Black’s member association change the category of AFC Black
    2. b. Lodge a claim in TMS
    3. c. Lodge a claim in the FIFA Legal Portal
    4. d. Lodge an appeal before the Court of Arbitration for Sport
  9. Justin, an established professional footballer, is unhappy about his lack of playing time with his club during the season. He is considering terminating his contract with the club based on sporting just cause. The club plays 30 matches during the season. In which of the following scenarios would he have grounds to prematurely terminate his contract? Select one:
    1. a. He appeared in only two matches
    2. b. He appeared in only seven matches
    3. c. He appeared in only three matches
    4. d. He appeared in only five matches
  10. Which of the following statements is correct in relation to bridge transfers? Select one:
    1. a. Clubs may engage a player through a training category 4 club as long as it does not receive any payment
    2. b. Clubs should use a training category 4 club to avoid the payment of training compensation
    3. c. Clubs should never engage a player that was already transferred within the previous 16 weeks
    4. d. Clubs should not enter into an arrangement that involves a player being transferred twice within 16 weeks in order to circumvent a rule or defraud someone else
  11. Which of the following occurs after a Football Agent fails to comply with CPD requirements following the expiry of the provisional suspension period of 60 days? Select one or more:
    1. a. The Football Agent is permanently suspended from the profession and may never apply for a new licence
    2. b. The Football Agent must pay a fine to FIFA
    3. c. Their Football Agent licence is withdrawn
    4. d. Their Clients have just cause to terminate all Representation Agreements with that Football Agent 
  12. Clark is a Football Agent who is celebrating the fact that he has secured Scottie as his new Client. Scottie is a talented player with a bright future, so Clark is confident that he will earn a small fortune from the three-year exclusive Representation Agreement he has signed with Scottie. Clark will earn 2% of Scottie’s Remuneration for each professional contract negotiated, even after the expiry of the Representation Agreement, as well as secure a penalty payment in the event that Scottie negotiates a contract on his own. What are the issues with this Representation Agreement in the context of the FIFA Football Agent Regulations? Select one or more:
    1. a. Clark cannot charge a service fee for contracts he had negotiated if the Representation Agreement expires
    2. b. The service fee of 2% is below the established cap
    3. c. The length of the Representation Agreement is beyond the maximum permitted term
    4. d. Clark cannot charge Scottie a penalty for representing himself.
  13. In which of the following situations is it presumed that Other Services are part of the Football Agent Services and therefore subject to a cap? Select one or more:
    1. a. The Other Services occurred in the 36 months following a Transaction
    2. b. The Other Services occurred in the 24 months prior to a Transaction
    3. c. The Other Services occurred in the 24 months following a Transaction
    4. d. The Other Services occurred in the 36 months prior to a Transaction
  14. Which of the following statements are correct regarding situations in which a Football Agent fails to comply with a financial decision passed by the relevant chamber of the FIFA Football Tribunal? Select one or more:
    1. a. The Football Agent will be fined
    2. b. The Football Agent may be sanctioned only if the decision of the FIFA Football Tribunal has been confirmed by the Court of Arbitration for Sport
    3. c. The Football Agent may be sanctioned with a ban on taking part in any football-related activity
    4. d. All of the answers listed 
  15. For which type(s) of football do the FIFA Clearing House Regulations lay down the process for the payments made through the FIFA Clearing House? Select one or more:
    1. a. All of the answers listed
    2. b. Eleven-a-side women’s football
    3. c. Futsal
    4. d. Eleven-a-side men’s football
  16. Bradley is a professional football player. Alex is Bradley’s father but is not a Football Agent. They want to sign a Representation Agreement so that Alex can represent Bradley in contract negotiations with interested clubs abroad. Which clauses can they include in their Representation Agreement? Select one or more:
    1. a. Alex can represent Bradley but must apply for the Football Agent licence
    2. b. Alex can represent Bradley but must not charge a service fee
    3. c. Bradley can have more than one Football Agent as long as Alex is compensated
    4. d. None of the answers listed
  17. AFC Red have been issued with a Payment Notification for EUR 100,000 but have failed to pay the FIFA Clearing House within the 30-day deadline. How much does AFC Red have to pay to the FIFA Clearing House? Select one:
    1. a. EUR 125,000
    2. b. EUR 105,000
    3. c. EUR 102,500
    4. d. EUR 100,000
  18. A player who was born in Germany in 2005 and has played in an official competition for the German U17 national team now wishes to play for Switzerland. The player’s maternal grandfather was born in Switzerland, and the player has today been granted Swiss nationality. Which of the following statements apply in the context of the FIFA Regulations Governing the Application of the Statutes (RGAS)? Select one or more:
    1. a. As the player fulfils the condition of article 7 paragraph 1c) of the RGAS, he can play for Switzerland without any further steps
    2. b. The player is currently tied to the German sporting nationality
    3. c. The player fulfils the exception under article 9 paragraph 2b) of the RGAS
    4. d. The player fulfils the exception under article 9 paragraph 2a) of the RGAS
  19. Toby is a Football Agent licensed by FIFA who knows that safeguarding means taking proactive action to protect people from harm and abuse and to promote people’s well-being. In his role, Toby always tries to do everything possible to identify and address risks and to prevent any kind of harm or abuse from being committed against the minors that he represents, including physical, sexual and emotional abuse and neglect, trafficking and exploitation. Toby was recently in touch with the football association and a registered club in his country regarding their safeguarding policies. The football association and club in question said that they did not have any safeguarding policies in place. They also do not have designated safeguarding officers. Toby sees their lack of clear safeguarding policies and procedures as a risk factor for potential abuse and exploitation. What are some of the protective factors against abuse in football? Select one or more:
    1. a. Having clear safeguarding policies and procedures in place that are well known by all staff and volunteers, including children, young people and their families, with a designated contact person
    2. b. Instilling a culture of respect and zero-tolerance towards any form of abuse and exploitation at all levels
    3. c. Centralising all the power with the managers, coaches and Football Agents and granting the players no rights
    4. d. Encouraging child abuse, exploitation and harsh labour
  20. Which of the following is a trigger for training rewards (training compensation and/or solidarity contributions) pursuant to the FIFA Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players? Select one or more:
    1. a. An international transfer 
    2. b. A player’s first registration as a professional 
    3. c. A national transfer involving transfer compensation
    4. d. A player’s 100th appearance for their national team at senior level


  1. C
  2. A,C,D
  3. D
  4. C
  5. A,B,D
  6. B & D
  7. B,C,D
  8. B
  9. A
  10. D
  11. C & D 
  12. C & D
  13. B & C
  14. A & B
  15. B & D
  16. D
  17. C
  18. B & C
  19. A & B
  20. A,B,C


How did you get on?

This blog has hopefully provided you with some useful practice questions that demonstrate the style of questions and answers that FIFA will use in the exam and has perhaps highlighted key areas that you need to revisit and refine your knowledge of during your preparation for the FIFA Football Agent Exam. We would advise you to engage with as many practice questions as possible on these different documents and to ensure you have good navigation skills to be able to efficiently find each relevant section within the exam. 

For more information on how to become a football agent and to pass the FIFA exam, keep an eye out for our courses and additional resources posted on our social media platforms under the Sports Agent Academy. 

by Dr. Erkut Sogut & Jamie Khan

  • Isnt question 1 the answer A marked as correct incorect? Minor player can sign a pro contract for example as a 16 years old, depends on national law. But can be represented by an agent 6 months before it. In this situation it can be 15 and a half year. And in the question is written that the player is 15, but also could be 15 and a half so the player can be represented by an agent. Am I wrong?

  • Also answer on question 9 is wrong. Correct answer is only A, as the rule is that the player must appear in FEWER than 10%. Which is only in A answer.

  • Choice A in question 5 is compl it says :
    ‚ Youthful Academy is affiliated to AFC Adults, a club affiliated to the Pangea FA‘. It has also a meaning that affiliation to club which is affiliated to a federation is the reason for rejection otherwise her being director or owner in Youthful Academy would be permitted by FIFA to become a football manager.

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