FIFA Football Agent Exam Mock Test Practice Questions (part 3)


On the 20th of September 2023, over 10,000 registered candidates will sit the second edition of the FIFA Football Agent Exam since its reintroduction earlier in the year. As part of our courses on how to pass the exam and as further guidance for How to Become a Football Agent, we have decided to create several blogs which take the form of mock practice exams to help you prepare by testing your knowledge and answering some questions in the same style as the real thing. 

Before attempting this mock exam we’d also recommend reading our top 10 tips for passing the FIFA Football Agent Exam and applying some of these key tips such as ensuring you read the questions properly and using the process of elimination if you don’t immediately know the answer. You should also have done a substantial amount of reading of the study materials, and other learning time, particularly spent understanding the most essential topics. You will notice that the hyperlinks on some of the questions in this mock exam will link you to other useful resources on the topics being asked about. If you get stuck, these should help!

Mock Exam

  1.  Which of the following natural & legal persons are not considered to be a “third party” in the context of third party ownership?
    1. a) Football Scout
    2. b) Football Player
    3. c) Investment Fund
    4. d) Sporting Director
  2. Which one is not considered as “Remuneration” under the FIFA Football Agent Regulations (FFAR)?
    1. a) Sign-on fee
    2. b) Performance bonus
    3. c) Future transfer compensation
    4. d) Loyalty bonus
  3. Female players are entitled to maternity leave during the term of their contract, paid at the equivalent of how much of their salary?
    1. a) ⅓ of their salary
    2. b) ½ of their salary 
    3. c) ⅔ of their salary
    4. d) Full salary
  4. In which of the following situations can the FIFA Council convene an extraordinary congress? Select one or more
    1. a) At any time
    2. b) If ⅕ of the member associations have requested it in writing
    3. c) If the general secretariat orders for one to convene
    4. d) If the Bureau of the Council submits a proposal
  5. Which of these statements is / are incorrect? Select one or more.
    1. a) A player may play friendly matches for 2 or 3 clubs in a single season
    2. b) A player may play official matches for 3 clubs in any one season in the same national association
    3. c) A player is permitted to play official matches for 3 clubs in any one season only if the third club and the second club have overlapping seasons
    4. d) A player can only ever play official matches for 2 clubs in any one season
  6. When a training rewards trigger is identified as defined in these Regulations and in accordance with articles 20 and 21 of the RSTP, a provisional EPP for the relevant player will be generated by TMS. How long will the provisional EPP be available for inspection after generation  in TMS by all member associations (known as the inspection period)? 
    1. a) 7 days
    2. b) 10 days
    3. c) 14 days
    4. d) 30 days
  7. How many members will the Council consist of in total?
    1. a) 27
    2. b) 49
    3. c) 37
    4. d) 47
  8. Which of the following is not a right of a member association?
    1. a) To take part in the congress
    2. b) To nominate candidates for the FIFA Congress
    3. c) To take part in competitions organised by FIFA
    4. d) To draw up proposals for inclusion in the agenda of the congress
  9. Which of the following are recognised standing committees? Select one or more
    1. a) Finance Committee
    2. b) Medical Committee
    3. c) Club Committee
    4. d) Player Committee
  10. Which of the following could be a sanction given to a member association that fails to automatically communicate or manually declare a training rewards trigger to FIFA?
    1. a) A ban on registering new players internationally
    2. b) A ban on registering new player domestically
    3. c) A levy of 2.5% of the calculated training rewards due, payable to the training club(s) through the FIFA Clearing House
    4. d) None of the answers listed
  11. The FIFA Clearing house is entitled to request an individual, club, or member association to provide information when performing a compliance assessment. Which of the following are example(s) of information that the FIFA Clearing House may request? Select one or more
    1. a) Corporate structure
    2. b) Beneficial ownership
    3. c) Source of funding
    4. d) Source of wealth
  12. Which of the following is responsible for investigating compliance with the eligibility requirements of FIFA Football Agent Applicants?
    1. a) FIFA Football Agent Regulations
    2. b) The Football Tribunal
    3. c) The FIFA General Secretariat
    4. d) FIFA Council
  13. Training compensation is not due in which of the following situations? select one or more
    1. a) A player registers with a training category IV club
    2. b) A player is transferred during the calendar year of their 24th birthday
    3. c) A player’s former club terminates their contract without just cause
    4. d) A player terminates their contract with their former club without just cause
  14. Which of the following best describes the solidarity contribution that will be due in regards to the calendar year of a player’s 15th birthday, given that a transfer fee has been paid for the player who is now aged 22. 
    1. a) 5% of 5% of any compensation
    2. b) 5% of 10% of any compensation
    3. c) 10% of 5% of any compensation
    4. d) 10% of 10% of any compensation
  15. A representation contract with a “minor” needs to be signed by which parties?
    1. a) Player and agent
    2. b) Player, agent and guardian
    3. c) Guardian and club
    4. d) Player, agent, guardian, club
  16. You negotiated for your client (you only represent the player) a gross salary of $300,000 per year. How much is your commission?
    1. a) $21,000
    2. b) $13,000
    3. c) $23,000
    4. d) $15,000
  17. Article 15 of the FIFA Code of Ethics states that: “In dealings with government institutions, national and international organisations, associations and groupings, persons bound by this Code shall, in addition to observing the basic rules of article 14, remain politically neutral, in accordance with the principles and objectives of FIFA, the confederations, associations, leagues and clubs, and generally act in a manner compatible with their function and integrity”. How will violation of this article be sanctioned?
    1. a) An appropriate fine of up to CHF 10,000 as well as a ban on taking part in any football-related activity for a maximum of two years.
    2. b) An appropriate fine of up to CHF 10,000 as well as a ban on taking part in any football-related activity for a minimum of two years.
    3. c) An appropriate fine of at least CHF 10,000 as well as a ban on taking part in any football-related activity for a minimum of two years.
    4. d) An appropriate fine of at least CHF 10,000 as well as a ban on taking part in any football-related activity for a maximum of two years.
  18. Where can decisions passed by the Disciplinary & Appeal Committees be appealed against?
    1. a) FIFA General Secretariat
    2. b) CAS
    3. c) The Football Tribunal
    4. d) National Courts
  19. You are representing a client who has the following clubs registered on their Electronic Player Passport since the age of 12:

Ages 12-14: Rio Equipo (Brazil) 

Ages 14-17: Beachtown FC (Spain)

Ages 17-19: Tea FC (England)

You are using the EPP to figure out the solidarity contribution that is due to his former clubs as he will be transferring to a new club, Buckingham Palace FC (England), in the calendar year of his 23rd birthday for a transfer fee. Based on the information you are given, which of your client’s former clubs will receive solidarity contribution as a result of the transfer?

    1. a) None of the former clubs
    2. b) Tea FC only
    3. c) Rio Equipo and Beachtown
    4. d) All three former clubs

20. Which of the following is not a provision for a natural person to become a football agent?
a) Submitting a license application
b) Paying an annual fee to FIFA
c) Registering a FIFA ID
d) Complying with eligibility requirements


  1. B
  2. C
  3. C
  4. A & B
  5. B & D
  6. B
  7. C
  8. B
  9. A & B
  10. D
  11. A,B,C,D
  12. C
  13. A,B,C
  14. A
  15. B
  16. B
  17. D
  18. B
  19. C
  20. C


How did you get on?

This blog has hopefully provided you with some useful practice questions that demonstrate the style of questions and answers that FIFA will use in the exam and has perhaps highlighted key areas that you need to revisit and refine your knowledge of during your preparation for the FIFA Football Agent Exam. We would advise you to engage with as many practice questions as possible on these different documents and to ensure you have good navigation skills to be able to efficiently find each relevant section within the exam. 

For more information on how to become a football agent and to pass the FIFA exam, keep an eye out for our courses and additional resources posted on our social media platforms under the Erkut Sogut Academy


by Dr. Erkut Sogut & Jamie Khan

  • I would argue the answer for #8 –

    Which of the following is not a right of a member association?
    a) To take part in the congress
    b) To nominate candidates for the FIFA Congress
    c) To take part in competitions organised by FIFA
    d) To draw up proposals for inclusion in the agenda of the congress

    (( to nominate candidates for the FIFA presidency and the Council; [wording])) is right

    but to take part in competitions organised by FIFA is an obligation

    ANY help on what to pick in this situation? wording vs wording

  • Hello sir I found this helpful but I would like to know all necessary requirements to join your classes if affordable or even free to attend
    kimuli John Paul

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