Importance of Languages for Football/Soccer Agents: Most important Languages and What Agents Need to Know in Spanish

In this blog, we will discuss the importance of languages in football, with more emphasis towards the second most important language, Spanish. Next, we are going to introduce a list of words and phrases that are essential for agents who want to operate in the Spanish and Latin markets.

Spanish 101 for Football Agents

Regarding Football Contracts:

Player Jugador
Youth Player Jugador Juvenil
Agent Agente
Club Club de Fútbol
Contract Contrato
Employment Contract Contratación Laboral
Mandate Mandato
Signature Firma
Registration Registro
Written Escrito
Transfer Transferencia
Loan Préstamo
Representation Contract Contrato de Representación
Sporting Director Director Deportivo
Owner Dueño del Equipo
President Presidente
Head Coach/Manager Director Técnico/Entrenador
Salary Sueldo
Bonus Bono
Signing on fee Pago al firmar
Insurance Seguro Médico
Loyalty Bonus Bono de Fidelidad
Image Rights Derechos de Imagen
Sponsorship Patrocinios
Gross Salary Sueldo Bruto
Net Salary Sueldo Neto
Commission Comisión
Agreement Acuerdo/Contrato
Solidarity Payment Pago de Solidaridad
Training Compensation Indemnización por Formación
Academy Academia
Mutual Agreement Contract Termination Vencimiento de Contrato por Mutuo Acuerdo
Termination due to Just Cause Recisión de Contrato por Causa Justificada
Buyout Clause Cláusula de Recisión
Release Clause Cláusula de Liberación
Termination Terminación

All Positions On The Field:

Goalkeeper Arquero, Portero
Centre Back Defensa Central
Left Back/Right Back Lateral Izquierdo/Lateral Derecho
Defensive Midfielder Mediocentro Defensivo/Pivote
Midfielder Mediocentro/Centrocampista
Left Midfield/Right Midfield Interior/Volante Izquierdo – Interior/Volante Derecho
Attacking Midfielder Mediapunta/Mediocentro Ofensivo
Left Wing/Right Wing Extremo Izquierdo/Extremo Derecho
Striker Delantero
Centre Forward Delantero Centro
Second Striker Segunda Punta/Segundo Delantero

General Knowledge:

Appearance Aparición/es
Team Equipo
Score Marcador
Win Ganar
Draw Empatar
Lose Perder
Playing Time Tiempo/Minutos de juego
National Team Selección Nacional
Official Games Partidos Oficiales
Registration Period Periodo de Inscripción
Registration Request Solicitud de Inscripción
Season Temporada
Football Passport Pasaporte Deportivo
Loan Transfer Transferencia a Préstamo
Performance Rendimiento
Goal Gol
Assist Asistencia
Penalty Penalti
First Half Primer Tiempo
Half-Time Entretiempo
Second Half Segundo Tiempo
Corner Saque de Esquina
The Near Post Primer Palo
The Far Post Segundo Palo
Counterattack Contraataque
Throw-In Saque de Banda
Booked Amonestado
Foul Falta/Infracción
Yellow Card Tarjeta Amarilla
Red Card Tarjeta Roja
Sent off Expulsado
Free Kick Tiro Libre
Defend Defender
Attack Atacar
Substitute Suplente
Offside Fuera de Juego
To Shoot Pegarle/Disparar
Pitch Cancha/Campo
Squad Plantel
Kick off Comenzar/Arracncar
High Ball Game Juego Aéreo
Changing Room Vestuario
Bench Banquillo
Handball Mano


„I want to propose you a player“ „Le quiero proponer un jugador“
„I need more playing time for my player“„Necesito más tiempo de juego para mi jugador“
„What is the score?“„Cuanto va el Partido?“
„How much time is left?“„Cuanto tiempo queda/resta?“
„Which positions are you looking for?“„Que posiciones estas buscando?“
„Do you want to sell players?“„Estas buscando vender jugadores?“
„Do you have some players on loan?“„Tienes algún jugador en préstamo?“
„Do you have any player looking to go on loan?“„Tienes algún jugador para ir a un equipo como préstamo?/En condición de prestamo?“
„Which substances count towards doping?“„Que substancias cuentan cómo doping?“
„Have your player done any doping test?“„Su jugador se ha hecho algún estudio de doping?“
„Do you work in media?“„Usted trabaja como periodista?“
„Do you want to have an interview with my player?“„Le gustaría tener una entrevista con mi jugador?“


Languages are definitely one of the main tools that agents need to be able to operate fluently and effectively in different markets around the world. In addition to being of great help on contractual issues, languages serve to connect in a deeper and more genuine way with international players and their families. In this blog, we highlighted the importance of languages for agents and made a complete list of some of the most used words in the world of football in the Spanish language. Additionally, we included some phrases that can be useful for agents traveling to a foreign country in which the native language is Spanish. This enables agents to have the possibility of communicating and understanding the players, the game, and what is happening around the field.

Dr Erkut Sogut y Paolo Cucalon

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